Health Coverage with Connections HOSPITAL Gecial Nedy Why Are Part of the Mix in Health Insurance Health Insurance: A Small Business RECRUITMENT TOOL SMALL&LARGE BUSINESS When it comes to health insurance, many of us don't think too far community esources exat and how to hep people access those resounces beyond the card in our wallet that says we're covered. She encourages members to take full adantage of covered services k an annul welness wat, vaccinations and When Wayne Leuning recommended cancer seseenings, but raditonal epectutions goes beyond those Once pecple realze hey are on the phone wth a nea person om their heath inurance compary who cares and wanes help hey are surprised but aiso open said Lauren Cark Member Heath Advocane with Ave Heam Panswho aso INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY puts out an ad to hire a new employee, the benefits package is prominent health insurance 100% paid for by employer. Cuenty at Aera He Pans, the inovement of member heath advocanes provide suppont to membeers whose needs wre mone complex They may hve a dttoult dagnoss, ke cancer Or they may have mutiple chronic condsons When heath insurance plan members get a cal foom member heah advocane asking "how are you dong. is there anything t can helo with mght oome as a bt has a master's degee in social work Involvement of meber health advocates is in line wth the concept known as population heath-in which the focus heath and preventon ather han jus ting ness or y"We lookng ino those dereminants that nuence aperson's overal heath Cak sad of a surprise it could be physicalenveonmental tactors conebuning so a member's oel heath, so s important to look ar those a wl We had one member who had eerenced umerous s a home and kept ending upin the ER We learmed that there were a lot of nugs in the home causing that person to trpCak said wa u w At any gven ime DW ndustes employs 20-25 people The Soux Fas SD.baed company bulds grain elevanos and o gou stuctunes For more than 20 years the compery hs not only offeed hah iuance bu ao pad 100 pecent i of he pmum oc for its employees T and a higher ausity of e A Real Conversatios Many people dont understand all the ns and outs of ther insunce poley. "might seem ke just apece of paper Compeon is high in te consuction indoy for good employeen Leuning d Evevoody hes no ofer heath insurance Wehave much beter plan and thar's a e perk h ps that sy with me Populaton heath asa concept is about keeping a population of people heathier Its aso about helping pecple get he right eof cae at the right tme Maybe the person has a transportation issue and cannot get to their regular doctor's appointments. Maybe they need to see a specialist but live far away and don't have the means to get there. Maybe they need help getting on board with an exercise plan or a healthier diet bece of the inuance ina saewith a roughy 3% unemployment rate employers Leuning need to think beyond salary a a ecument tool inasgy emplovers are looking to other benelits to eut and koep employees Helping people to be more engged in their own heth care and o be beer advocanes for their own heath is an impotan pecs of ths pue so Clark expects that noles like hens will become more and more commonpiace in the heath suance ndustry ec 0% of employees sed beneits were imponant to ther saction according so a port by the Soowty for Human source Management "For us, this begins wth offering our mebers who are a greter ik an opcosunity to hve a real converation with are erson Clas sad s member heah advooaes we beleve in heping our members wih their overal heath cae needs We want to help coordinate services, provide education and andwer questions or concems that may help them ach ther heah gols When a company looke at the benelits nat amact and reta ploys hea insurance a the bggest diver net to act ake-home salary sd Jordan Ardeon Vice Psident of Sales and Account Maagenent at Avera Heah Pans Deendng on vour indusy your employees may have other needs-dtal vision 4n and gym rembursements for eample Getting Menbers More Engaged "My role is geing members more engagedin the own health sd Cark, who a aned so know what MERREALTHARYOCATESKI SBLIRC EN CLAR AND NRON Benefit trends include Medicare Supplement Gives New Retiree Peace of Mind While Traveling Feness incentves or dscounts Virtual cane options for easier and faster access to providers MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT coveage a An accident while campinig ths pant summer let her wih a legfracure that requied surgery and mone than tew followup acopoinements As e recentetee, LeceKoh and he husband Gary, enjoy the etr tme they now have for trauling hing hunting and spendng tme w famly and bierds Pan options that include high deductible heath plans Mental heath coverage (Employee Assistance Programsi Howver, thanks to hee Medicane Suppiement ooley theyt wwecovered Leee coud foous on resting and heaing insead of stressing about heath inaurance and bils To make that ranston into ement s worfree as possble, Leee made sure they wne financaly protected for unexpected heath oos due to an injury or ness. They knew ther Medicare Parn A and Part Binuance coverage mighte not be enough Luning ofers beneth plan for mat groups since he swoched asma butiness pan with Avera Health Pans His enpioyees have a $2.000 deductibe wh peks tht nude no co to ue veao vital a membenshio discounts to taciloies lke GreatrE Go &Fenns and Vues dscout progam wih dscounts for vision we and wght magement progas "t was a seamiess and eftcent process for my claims so be pad My outolpocket openses were net to nothing and my agentsonded very aucy when I had questions whe tracking her clams va Avera Hea Plans onine tools she discovered that without a Medicane Sucolement polic they would have been nesponsible for nearly S6,000 in outo Thas because Medicare Pat Aand Part Booverage sione e them sponsble for healh cane costs such as consurance KICTUE ASACE A THE GRAND CAN ENJ For ha employees the mone affordatie coet and quaity covenage i the geest beneit coays and deducsbes pooket epenses A Medicare Supplement policy helps "it the gap in Medicane coveage by ping for a porton of these remaining heath ant to gve our gwn the best benetts for the buck Leuning sd Our premum went down when ee swched to Aves Hesth Pans sei ought it can offer bee insuance and save mone ats a winwin Tips for Choosing a Medicare Supplement cae cos Whenit comes to dhoosing a Medicare Sucpiemene policy the best ing so do a ak with an agent adses Jodan Anderson Vc President of Saies and Account Management for Aver Health Pans Coverage for the Usexpected What mamy people don't know-or think about-is that yoor portion of those costs has no imit. That's where Medicare Supplement plars come in and really make a difference Knowng that Leiee and ter huband shopped around for Medicare Sucolement polcy that woud te ther budpe andesyle Heath care s personal When your agert understands your neods he or she can hep you select a plan that works best for vour estyle-bon now and ino the future Anderson sad Avera om our deren Medcare Supplement nsurance camens o deemine whidh would best meet our needs I Call your agent or visit AlMedicare Supplement plans ane standandoed which mean that aPan F is the same no mater which heath insunancee looked for afordabilty great service and a wde range of ceverage, ncuding covenge while veling Health Plans wah Ma ae ou work with However pricieg cananec he said They seed on an Avera Heath Pans policy, and it didt tak long for Koch to reale how vlble Medicare Supplement "Premium prices change from one camier to anoher and aso from year 0 ye Tha's why t's impon to shop ound each yer-no maner how long you've had MedicareEndividual & Family Employer Medicare Supplement Health Coverage with Connections HOSPITAL Gecial Nedy Why Are Part of the Mix in Health Insurance Health Insurance: A Small Business RECRUITMENT TOOL SMALL&LARGE BUSINESS When it comes to health insurance, many of us don't think too far community esources exat and how to hep people access those resounces beyond the card in our wallet that says we're covered. She encourages members to take full adantage of covered services k an annul welness wat, vaccinations and When Wayne Leuning recommended cancer seseenings, but raditonal epectutions goes beyond those Once pecple realze hey are on the phone wth a nea person om their heath inurance compary who cares and wanes help hey are surprised but aiso open said Lauren Cark Member Heath Advocane with Ave Heam Panswho aso INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY puts out an ad to hire a new employee, the benefits package is prominent health insurance 100% paid for by employer. Cuenty at Aera He Pans, the inovement of member heath advocanes provide suppont to membeers whose needs wre mone complex They may hve a dttoult dagnoss, ke cancer Or they may have mutiple chronic condsons When heath insurance plan members get a cal foom member heah advocane asking "how are you dong. is there anything t can helo with mght oome as a bt has a master's degee in social work Involvement of meber health advocates is in line wth the concept known as population heath-in which the focus heath and preventon ather han jus ting ness or y"We lookng ino those dereminants that nuence aperson's overal heath Cak sad of a surprise it could be physicalenveonmental tactors conebuning so a member's oel heath, so s important to look ar those a wl We had one member who had eerenced umerous s a home and kept ending upin the ER We learmed that there were a lot of nugs in the home causing that person to trpCak said wa u w At any gven ime DW ndustes employs 20-25 people The Soux Fas SD.baed company bulds grain elevanos and o gou stuctunes For more than 20 years the compery hs not only offeed hah iuance bu ao pad 100 pecent i of he pmum oc for its employees T and a higher ausity of e A Real Conversatios Many people dont understand all the ns and outs of ther insunce poley. "might seem ke just apece of paper Compeon is high in te consuction indoy for good employeen Leuning d Evevoody hes no ofer heath insurance Wehave much beter plan and thar's a e perk h ps that sy with me Populaton heath asa concept is about keeping a population of people heathier Its aso about helping pecple get he right eof cae at the right tme Maybe the person has a transportation issue and cannot get to their regular doctor's appointments. Maybe they need to see a specialist but live far away and don't have the means to get there. Maybe they need help getting on board with an exercise plan or a healthier diet bece of the inuance ina saewith a roughy 3% unemployment rate employers Leuning need to think beyond salary a a ecument tool inasgy emplovers are looking to other benelits to eut and koep employees Helping people to be more engged in their own heth care and o be beer advocanes for their own heath is an impotan pecs of ths pue so Clark expects that noles like hens will become more and more commonpiace in the heath suance ndustry ec 0% of employees sed beneits were imponant to ther saction according so a port by the Soowty for Human source Management "For us, this begins wth offering our mebers who are a greter ik an opcosunity to hve a real converation with are erson Clas sad s member heah advooaes we beleve in heping our members wih their overal heath cae needs We want to help coordinate services, provide education and andwer questions or concems that may help them ach ther heah gols When a company looke at the benelits nat amact and reta ploys hea insurance a the bggest diver net to act ake-home salary sd Jordan Ardeon Vice Psident of Sales and Account Maagenent at Avera Heah Pans Deendng on vour indusy your employees may have other needs-dtal vision 4n and gym rembursements for eample Getting Menbers More Engaged "My role is geing members more engagedin the own health sd Cark, who a aned so know what MERREALTHARYOCATESKI SBLIRC EN CLAR AND NRON Benefit trends include Medicare Supplement Gives New Retiree Peace of Mind While Traveling Feness incentves or dscounts Virtual cane options for easier and faster access to providers MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT coveage a An accident while campinig ths pant summer let her wih a legfracure that requied surgery and mone than tew followup acopoinements As e recentetee, LeceKoh and he husband Gary, enjoy the etr tme they now have for trauling hing hunting and spendng tme w famly and bierds Pan options that include high deductible heath plans Mental heath coverage (Employee Assistance Programsi Howver, thanks to hee Medicane Suppiement ooley theyt wwecovered Leee coud foous on resting and heaing insead of stressing about heath inaurance and bils To make that ranston into ement s worfree as possble, Leee made sure they wne financaly protected for unexpected heath oos due to an injury or ness. They knew ther Medicare Parn A and Part Binuance coverage mighte not be enough Luning ofers beneth plan for mat groups since he swoched asma butiness pan with Avera Health Pans His enpioyees have a $2.000 deductibe wh peks tht nude no co to ue veao vital a membenshio discounts to taciloies lke GreatrE Go &Fenns and Vues dscout progam wih dscounts for vision we and wght magement progas "t was a seamiess and eftcent process for my claims so be pad My outolpocket openses were net to nothing and my agentsonded very aucy when I had questions whe tracking her clams va Avera Hea Plans onine tools she discovered that without a Medicane Sucolement polic they would have been nesponsible for nearly S6,000 in outo Thas because Medicare Pat Aand Part Booverage sione e them sponsble for healh cane costs such as consurance KICTUE ASACE A THE GRAND CAN ENJ For ha employees the mone affordatie coet and quaity covenage i the geest beneit coays and deducsbes pooket epenses A Medicare Supplement policy helps "it the gap in Medicane coveage by ping for a porton of these remaining heath ant to gve our gwn the best benetts for the buck Leuning sd Our premum went down when ee swched to Aves Hesth Pans sei ought it can offer bee insuance and save mone ats a winwin Tips for Choosing a Medicare Supplement cae cos Whenit comes to dhoosing a Medicare Sucpiemene policy the best ing so do a ak with an agent adses Jodan Anderson Vc President of Saies and Account Management for Aver Health Pans Coverage for the Usexpected What mamy people don't know-or think about-is that yoor portion of those costs has no imit. That's where Medicare Supplement plars come in and really make a difference Knowng that Leiee and ter huband shopped around for Medicare Sucolement polcy that woud te ther budpe andesyle Heath care s personal When your agert understands your neods he or she can hep you select a plan that works best for vour estyle-bon now and ino the future Anderson sad Avera om our deren Medcare Supplement nsurance camens o deemine whidh would best meet our needs I Call your agent or visit AlMedicare Supplement plans ane standandoed which mean that aPan F is the same no mater which heath insunancee looked for afordabilty great service and a wde range of ceverage, ncuding covenge while veling Health Plans wah Ma ae ou work with However pricieg cananec he said They seed on an Avera Heath Pans policy, and it didt tak long for Koch to reale how vlble Medicare Supplement "Premium prices change from one camier to anoher and aso from year 0 ye Tha's why t's impon to shop ound each yer-no maner how long you've had MedicareEndividual & Family Employer Medicare Supplement