AMAZING TEACHER of the MONTH HONORING PIERRE/FT. PIERRE'S TEACHERS From the preschool teacher with the heart of gold to that high school English teacher who infuses kids with a passion for reading - teachers across all our districts educate and empower kids of all ages. Presented by BECK Heartland MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET We Will Be Recognizing 3 AMAZING TEACHERS Per Month for the 2024-25 School Year Three monthly winners will each receive a gift card. The first-place winner each month will win a Beck Motor Company Oil Change Card ($400 value), a $100 gift card, and be entered for a chance to win the.... 2024-2025 AMAZING TEACHER OF THE YEAR* Title! *The winner of the ATOTY award will win a $400 gift card and the runner up with receive a $100 gift card. Nominate your favorite teacher at starting Tuesday, April 1st, by submitting a short paragraph (250 words or less) describing why you think they deserve this honor. Please include the teacher's NAME, GRADE they teach and the SCHOOL name. Deadline for nominations for April's Amazing Teacher is Thursday, April 10th. The voting phase will immediately follow through Sunday, April 20th. Each month's winning teachers will be eligible for the Amazing Teacher of the Year award and WILL NOT be eligible for additional Teacher of the Month honors; however, the balance of each month's submissions, excluding the three winners, will automatically be entered into the next month's contest. CJ cj MEDIA NOMINATE SOMEONE DESERVING TODAY! OUR AUDIENCE IS OUR SUPERPOWER AB AMAZING TEACHER of the MONTH HONORING PIERRE / FT . PIERRE'S TEACHERS From the preschool teacher with the heart of gold to that high school English teacher who infuses kids with a passion for reading - teachers across all our districts educate and empower kids of all ages . Presented by BECK Heartland MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET We Will Be Recognizing 3 AMAZING TEACHERS Per Month for the 2024-25 School Year Three monthly winners will each receive a gift card . The first - place winner each month will win a Beck Motor Company Oil Change Card ( $ 400 value ) , a $ 100 gift card , and be entered for a chance to win the .... 2024-2025 AMAZING TEACHER OF THE YEAR * Title ! * The winner of the ATOTY award will win a $ 400 gift card and the runner up with receive a $ 100 gift card . Nominate your favorite teacher at starting Tuesday , April 1st , by submitting a short paragraph ( 250 words or less ) describing why you think they deserve this honor . Please include the teacher's NAME , GRADE they teach and the SCHOOL name . Deadline for nominations for April's Amazing Teacher is Thursday , April 10th . The voting phase will immediately follow through Sunday , April 20th . Each month's winning teachers will be eligible for the Amazing Teacher of the Year award and WILL NOT be eligible for additional Teacher of the Month honors ; however , the balance of each month's submissions , excluding the three winners , will automatically be entered into the next month's contest . CJ cj MEDIA NOMINATE SOMEONE DESERVING TODAY ! OUR AUDIENCE IS OUR SUPERPOWER AB