AMAZING TEACHER Presented by HBECK Heartland MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET We Will Be Recognizing of the MONTH 3 AMAZING TEACHERS HONORING PIERRE/FT. PIERRE'S TEACHERS Per Month for the 2024-25 School Year Three monthly winners will each receive a gift card. VOTE FOR NOVEMBER'S AMAZING TEACHER FROM NOV 11 TO NOV 20 AT VOTE FOR YOUR COUR AUDIENCE IS OUR SUPERPOWER MEDIA FAVORITE TODAY! The first place winner each month will win a Beck Motor Company Oil Change Card ($400 value) and be entered for a chance to win the 2024-2025 AMAZING TEACHER OF THE YEAR Title! AMAZING TEACHER Presented by HBECK Heartland MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET We Will Be Recognizing of the MONTH 3 AMAZING TEACHERS HONORING PIERRE / FT . PIERRE'S TEACHERS Per Month for the 2024-25 School Year Three monthly winners will each receive a gift card . VOTE FOR NOVEMBER'S AMAZING TEACHER FROM NOV 11 TO NOV 20 AT VOTE FOR YOUR COUR AUDIENCE IS OUR SUPERPOWER MEDIA FAVORITE TODAY ! The first place winner each month will win a Beck Motor Company Oil Change Card ( $ 400 value ) and be entered for a chance to win the 2024-2025 AMAZING TEACHER OF THE YEAR Title !