Secretaries' Week is April 21-27. Place your order early to honor your staff. Tulip arrangements: $30. 4-inch plants: $12.99 24 EST 1991 Capital City Florist Boutique Gifts 304 S. Pierre St., Pierre, SD 224-4886 M-F 9:00-6:00, Sat 9:00-5:00 f Hallmark Secretaries ' Week is April 21-27 . Place your order early to honor your staff . Tulip arrangements : $ 30 . 4 - inch plants : $ 12.99 24 EST 1991 Capital City Florist Boutique Gifts 304 S. Pierre St. , Pierre , SD 224-4886 M - F 9 : 00-6 : 00 , Sat 9 : 00-5 : 00 f Hallmark