FULL-SERVICE BANKING MAXIMUM CONVENIENCE Banking Checking Savings CDs Loans Online and Mobile Banking Member FDIC. All loans subject to credit approval. Home Loans First-Time Home Buyers Conventional FHA, VA & RD Construction Loans All loans subject to credit approval. Insurance Home Health Life Auto Farm Crop Business EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Insurance products are not deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal agency, not guaranteed by any bank, and may lose value. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. BankWest www.bankwest-sd.bank 605-224-7391 Two Locations in Pierre FULL - SERVICE BANKING MAXIMUM CONVENIENCE Banking Checking Savings CDs Loans Online and Mobile Banking Member FDIC . All loans subject to credit approval . Home Loans First - Time Home Buyers Conventional FHA , VA & RD Construction Loans All loans subject to credit approval . Insurance Home Health Life Auto Farm Crop Business EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Insurance products are not deposits , not FDIC insured , not insured by any federal agency , not guaranteed by any bank , and may lose value . This institution is an equal opportunity provider . BankWest www.bankwest-sd.bank 605-224-7391 Two Locations in Pierre