WIFE AND MOM STAYS DETERMINED TO BEAT BREAST CANCER WE ARE CARE FOR THE WHOLE THE PLACE PERSON FOR EXPERT BREAST Avera cares for the CANCER CARE whole person body, mind and spirit with support services By Donna Farris to provide physical, Upon hearing a diagnosis of breast cancer, Rachel Harmburger didn't feel shocked scared, angry or sad. "I was annoyed said the Gettysbung. S.D, mother of six daycare operator and wife of the county sher "Our lives are so busy-I didn't have time to be sick emotional and mental guidance. This includes help dealing with Rachel fet a ump hat seemed to get larper. She was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer-a more aggressive form of the disease She remembered looking at her husband, Curt, and thinking. "Of course I would have that kind t could't be easy the after-effects of At Avera, cancer treatment we ensure you receive the highest level of care, She also felt her natural trat of stuobomness rise to the surface. "I knew it would be tremendous setbact for all of my beys if something happened so me. rm too atubborn to let that happen Because of thet stubborn streak, Rachel says she can be a afficult patient But when t came to her treatment plan outined by Sreekanth Donepud, MD Avera Medical Group oncologist in Pierre, she warted to folow it to the leter. "trust my doctor He's super amart he's got the training and he sees cancer 1 paients every day no matter Rachel wanted to have as much of her care as close to home as possible. Yee Donepudi caled upon multiple members of the Awera medical team to ensure she had the best possible care plan your location. SUPPORT GROUPS He presented her case at the Avera Cancer Inatitute in Sioux Fals breast conference She undenwent genomic testing through the Avere Cancer Instiute in Sioux Falls which indicated that immunotherapy tailored bo Rachel's tumor hype, was a promising option WE ARE your team SPIRITUAL CARE of more than 40 physicians across five states connecting you to the breast cancer services you need. Avera's team includes oncologists, surgeons So alongaide her dhemo, immunotherapy was administered before surgery- an emenging treatment for breast cancer, "1 loved that my doctor was wiling to go outside of the box she said COUNSELING pathologists, radiologists and a research team A multidisciplinary team that includes surgeons This treatment was so successtul that the tumor shrank down to nothing Her breast surgeon in Pierre, Eldon Bedcker, MD, called her sto tell her this mireculous news. "The hope was that it would shrink in siae-but it was completely gone Rachel related that specializes in CANCER FITNESS PROGRAMS to create a breast reconstruction plan based on your needs and lifestyle breast cancer treatment. Avera's team of She was atle to underge umpectomy- removal of the funip area-insteed of mastectomy-removal of her entire breast over 40 experts Breast conserving surgery collaborates through LYMPHEDEMA THERAPIES Beker used oncoplastic techniques that improve the look of the breast at the same time as removing the tissue affected by cancer. This included a small implant so help ensure her beeast would appear as nommal as possible, with no indentation where the tissue had been removed. It also serves as a marker for ongoing follow-up. breast conferences Radiation options that allow for reduced radiation time RACHLS PICTUREO ABOVE WITH HER HsAND cURt AND BELCW PLoN OoL wHER usBANO AND SONS FROMLEFBO P AND EN to discuss the best treatment options Ater surgery, Rachel traveled to Abendeen for daily radiation treatments for six weeks onder he care of Kahleen Schneekloth, MD This therapy is aimed toward preventing any recurrence at the original cancer site. Her radiation took place before the Helmaley Center in Peme was complete. f it had happened only months later, ahe could have had this form of care in Piemre as well WIG PROGRAM and ensure a consistent While Rachel feels good and is back to her career in day care, she's quick to say that Genomic and genetic testing to pinpoint which treatments may work best for you approach-no matter cancer treatment is not easy. "Iwouldn't wish it on anyone where you receive INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE SERVICES Alongside the victories, she remembers moments of weakness and discouragement your care. was a daily drive, but the care she received was worh A my care at Avera was wesome-and it saved my ife Patient navigation services that support you during your cancer journey During one of these moments of weakness Rachel foit ike giving up. Tha's when her son Jeremy stepped in. Jeremy joined their family at age 15 ater spending time in the foster care system He told me, 1 fnaly have an awesome mom and now m afraid m going to lose youThat changed evenrything I Avera A call center open 24/7 and staffed with nurses to answer questions and provide support Cancer Institute Rachel credits her family for being there with the encouragement she needed, as well as a group of good friends. In addition so her husband, she had Second opinion consultations WE ARE your team. WE ARE Avera. Latest in imaging technologies friends who went with her Meet your team at Avera.org/breastcare or call our 24/7 Navigation Center at 888-422-1410 toevery chemo intfusion and radiation appointment A robust research My friends had aTahit printed for me that says, Friends don't let friends fight alone That was so true in my journeny team searching for breast cancer cures INTERCONNECTED CARE WIFE AND MOM STAYS DETERMINED TO BEAT BREAST CANCER WE ARE CARE FOR THE WHOLE THE PLACE PERSON FOR EXPERT BREAST Avera cares for the CANCER CARE whole person body, mind and spirit with support services By Donna Farris to provide physical, Upon hearing a diagnosis of breast cancer, Rachel Harmburger didn't feel shocked scared, angry or sad. "I was annoyed said the Gettysbung. S.D, mother of six daycare operator and wife of the county sher "Our lives are so busy-I didn't have time to be sick emotional and mental guidance. This includes help dealing with Rachel fet a ump hat seemed to get larper. She was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer-a more aggressive form of the disease She remembered looking at her husband, Curt, and thinking. "Of course I would have that kind t could't be easy the after-effects of At Avera, cancer treatment we ensure you receive the highest level of care, She also felt her natural trat of stuobomness rise to the surface. "I knew it would be tremendous setbact for all of my beys if something happened so me. rm too atubborn to let that happen Because of thet stubborn streak, Rachel says she can be a afficult patient But when t came to her treatment plan outined by Sreekanth Donepud, MD Avera Medical Group oncologist in Pierre, she warted to folow it to the leter. "trust my doctor He's super amart he's got the training and he sees cancer 1 paients every day no matter Rachel wanted to have as much of her care as close to home as possible. Yee Donepudi caled upon multiple members of the Awera medical team to ensure she had the best possible care plan your location. SUPPORT GROUPS He presented her case at the Avera Cancer Inatitute in Sioux Fals breast conference She undenwent genomic testing through the Avere Cancer Instiute in Sioux Falls which indicated that immunotherapy tailored bo Rachel's tumor hype, was a promising option WE ARE your team SPIRITUAL CARE of more than 40 physicians across five states connecting you to the breast cancer services you need. Avera's team includes oncologists, surgeons So alongaide her dhemo, immunotherapy was administered before surgery- an emenging treatment for breast cancer, "1 loved that my doctor was wiling to go outside of the box she said COUNSELING pathologists, radiologists and a research team A multidisciplinary team that includes surgeons This treatment was so successtul that the tumor shrank down to nothing Her breast surgeon in Pierre, Eldon Bedcker, MD, called her sto tell her this mireculous news. "The hope was that it would shrink in siae-but it was completely gone Rachel related that specializes in CANCER FITNESS PROGRAMS to create a breast reconstruction plan based on your needs and lifestyle breast cancer treatment. Avera's team of She was atle to underge umpectomy- removal of the funip area-insteed of mastectomy-removal of her entire breast over 40 experts Breast conserving surgery collaborates through LYMPHEDEMA THERAPIES Beker used oncoplastic techniques that improve the look of the breast at the same time as removing the tissue affected by cancer. This included a small implant so help ensure her beeast would appear as nommal as possible, with no indentation where the tissue had been removed. It also serves as a marker for ongoing follow-up. breast conferences Radiation options that allow for reduced radiation time RACHLS PICTUREO ABOVE WITH HER HsAND cURt AND BELCW PLoN OoL wHER usBANO AND SONS FROMLEFBO P AND EN to discuss the best treatment options Ater surgery, Rachel traveled to Abendeen for daily radiation treatments for six weeks onder he care of Kahleen Schneekloth, MD This therapy is aimed toward preventing any recurrence at the original cancer site. Her radiation took place before the Helmaley Center in Peme was complete. f it had happened only months later, ahe could have had this form of care in Piemre as well WIG PROGRAM and ensure a consistent While Rachel feels good and is back to her career in day care, she's quick to say that Genomic and genetic testing to pinpoint which treatments may work best for you approach-no matter cancer treatment is not easy. "Iwouldn't wish it on anyone where you receive INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE SERVICES Alongside the victories, she remembers moments of weakness and discouragement your care. was a daily drive, but the care she received was worh A my care at Avera was wesome-and it saved my ife Patient navigation services that support you during your cancer journey During one of these moments of weakness Rachel foit ike giving up. Tha's when her son Jeremy stepped in. Jeremy joined their family at age 15 ater spending time in the foster care system He told me, 1 fnaly have an awesome mom and now m afraid m going to lose youThat changed evenrything I Avera A call center open 24/7 and staffed with nurses to answer questions and provide support Cancer Institute Rachel credits her family for being there with the encouragement she needed, as well as a group of good friends. In addition so her husband, she had Second opinion consultations WE ARE your team. WE ARE Avera. Latest in imaging technologies friends who went with her Meet your team at Avera.org/breastcare or call our 24/7 Navigation Center at 888-422-1410 toevery chemo intfusion and radiation appointment A robust research My friends had aTahit printed for me that says, Friends don't let friends fight alone That was so true in my journeny team searching for breast cancer cures INTERCONNECTED CARE