SUNDAY, OCTOBER TTH, 2018 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON SALE LOCATION: 17565 291 AVE, AGAR, SD DIRECTIONS: FROM AGAR. SD GO 12 MILES WEST ON 176TH ST, THEN ¼ MILE NORTH ON 291 AVE; FROM PIERRE, SD GO APPROXIMATELY 39 MILES NORTH ON HWY 1804 TO 291 AVE AND CONTINUE NORTH ON 291 AVE 1/4TH MILE Auctioneer Notes: Lyle was an avid auction goer and sportsman. This will be a HUGE sale with many, many items not yet listed Don't miss this opportunity to spend the day with us! FIREARMS/ARCHERY/RELOADING &Super-X, Full choke, 30 Ribbed Bri81789375 ickel steel, full choke, 392400 30 barrel, fall choke, #1274905 20-barrel, improved cyl. #1915460 Winchester model 12, 12 gauge, 2%" chamber, 30" HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT/WILDLIFE MOUNTS COLLECTIBLES Winchester model 2. 12 Carnival glassware fruit bowls, candy dishes, candle holders, ash rays. baskel vase. Box traps, foot traps, snares, live traps, Conibcar water pitcher, glasses, goblets, juice glasses 0,220,110, duck, goose, armint & Chistmas glasses. Fostoria candle lgium Brow ning lighi twelve auto, 12 auge, electronic calls, 3 dozen big foot decoys, big Fostoria relish &candy dishes, Lead crystal binocalars, Lots of good holders Charlie Weaver bartender, Comic and small shells and floaters, camo nelting candle holders, fi auge 1%", 28" " nbbed barrel#71G 57040 books, Lite Golden books, Coke bottles. Blue Fin Boat and Trailer with Marincr Sohp License plates, Cream can, 8 track tapes, Belgium Browning Magnum Twehe, 12 gauge 12hp, Blue Ribbon champion vintage motor moics, Toys-1960's- Hot wheels, Tonka, John auto, 3", 28" ribbed barrel, #75V 329 14 Culloch clectric 9 boat motor, catfish traps and hoop nets, barrels of cheese bait. Clam ie ) (2) kids saddles, Grizwold cast iron Arrow heads, unique rock fossils. 312 gauge, 2 %", 28" barrel, full choke,ay Dasks Uslichi en 2 modied noever fir s ip a Onida memorabilia fro: JL MeDeid. Stabs ey Bi Co. H&H Motors. 3%", 32" barrel, and equipme, Rods &reelsand 5ackle cquapeten San Marco Wildfowl 10 Winchestcr model 1892 lever action, 22 Rem Winchester model 1892 lever action, 25-20 raps, Wildlife Mounts buffalo, bobt (2) white tail deer, many deer antler moants, lots MACHINERY/TOOLS/ATV of sheds, 2 elk horn sets WCF. 18 round barrel, scr 505314 HOUSEHOLD /APPLIANCES ng pans, crockpol. Tupperware. Doilies. hn Deere tiller, John Deere snom blade. John Deere#80 wagon, John WCF. Octagon nickel steel barrel, ser# 424495 Winchestcr model 1892 lever action, 25-20 wCF. Octagon barrel, ser# 420618 dishes, Bunn colle maker record player Deere 400 Snowmobile (not running & speakers, Kimbl piano& bench, orga, bs railer, approx 20 mctal catle panels, D Winchester model T0 bolt action, 300 H&H Remington model 700 BDL bolu action. 7mm Remington model 700 bolt action 222 Magnum, Weaver K4-C3 scope Magnam, Redfield scope, sere 21865 Remington. Redfield bear cub 6x recliners, many lamps (touch pole animal) card table& chairs. dining room tables and chairs, bar & 2 stools, 12 gun cabinct, lots of DU framed prints, somc t, AC/DC cider. Welding table. Oxy/Act torch with tanks, lots of metal &wood screws nails, mashers, bolts different sizes, hammers amed: paimed horse skull, 3 piece bedroom sledge hammers, pipe wrenches, saws/ tree set, 2 queen bed frames, 1 queen mattress Twin SaWS Cse bunkbed frame, desks, children's desk, fili Ducks Unlimited Marlin model 990 semi autotables cedarchest, tread mi pins, balls electric stationary clevis, oil and grease rtable sewing machine, hoses, pipe istings &c 11298234. ever 1917 US Bayonet Bear compound bow, Recurve bow, gun books Rcloading dics and 270,22-230, 300 H&H. TMM, 38 spec and SS refnigc Handi-man jacks, ice bars. reezer yellow) Dorm cords, tire c cquipanent for: 22 Jc, 222emore es and rims. gas re gulators refrigerator (black) (2) turkey fryers, electric wooden shelves, tool boxes, post hole augers fans, 430+ baseball caps, fireplace tools, ice awn chairs, shovels, spades, snow shovels skates, seasonal decorations. shol primers, lots of paper and plastic cmpties, forks, snow fences, tractor sprinklers SELLER: LYLE SUTTON ESTATE Terms: Joe Sovell. Auctioneer I605) 258-2546 SD Real Estate License Sale Day Phone 605-280-7656 property warranties implied Everything sold Alan Odden 605-354-1750 TRIPLE A AUCTION COMPANY Action Auction Associates, LLC P.O. Bex 505 Onida, $O 57564