Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan People wth a co-pey heath plan wit be aageda mat fad knoan c when Pey vista cnic o urgentre cente e day of er vst These plans o fave a deduce vou mudt meet prior to sharing the coat with your heaith insurance camer Aher you meet your edc you pe the conunce peroenag eo vo maimum Outeleodet aount THE ADVANTAGE you canepect lower out olpocet coats Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE PIP SIDE you ya hgher prenun which is the set mount you eeach month for coverage hemum prices e drecty releted o the otofoodet conts you p Kyou heve lower premuma yokaly have a higher deductibie and consurance percentage BEST FOR peopte who know they wil havesigntcaheeh penses nouding presoreton dgn duing he comng vea Some decsions in ee more serious than others Some ae moe contung bu heath nce plan choces neednot be overwheting 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the oer tand, people wo hevea g educe heath pan pay outof pocet for heath have to pay that belore your insurance oovers any of your cons Tahe ie sme o consder the basios betor other deductibe amount Y deoding -krowing vour coverage can hep vou in the event of an rryore Identifying the Best Health Plan Itcan be a tremendous task to denty the best heath A Heat Savingn Account HSAsecommended ane good pertner in coerage to a hgh deductible health plan. With a HSA you can invest eree dollan and use the account to pay for cetain medical epens hat vou mould inou belore vou meet vor dduole nce plan tor vi reed. The fest ng vou needt know are the two main categories of plana coony and hgh deductibie BENEFIT vou y kewer premiums each month BEST FOR people who ore generaly heathy or dont expect to have gntcant health care epenses They can then ue money thata ved inthe lower premium and etide ounda HSA Consider These Questions Betore maing a fina noion, s pood o revie ww besic questions, Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans No mater whch plan you chocse, vou pet a lot of prevente care at no cosr o you. This noudes preverive oeenings recommended for your ge nd gende h Whet wi e den cove *What iathe amont of he dedtend coneurecet Mammograme Pe esta Whet ia the amount of te money premum Colononcopies Yearly weness va mmunavons Ohid wecheda Remember o foue the premum mal, beca igve vouabeter comeon a conng hgh Yo pet value edde ervos met help you st heter SA Dacounts at iect toe centers he vnal vatswost plene D vebeng eduction O Maath educaton tor deanic condnona These preventve benets e e wheter you gert a pien trough deductble plan Aroner good anng poet is o da be ot math and forecant the year to come. ou can entimane your ponsitie outotpodet conts by considerng cinic vats, hosptal cre or presoreton gs you mey need ou wato thnk about how much your coo cont, your deductibe and outofpocet masmum heathoane gov or directy through hvera Heam Pana Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just coverage, it's about making connections. Individual and family insurance: 247 AveraNow urgent care virtul visita at no cost for most plans We know health care ian't ene sle fes a Avera Health Plans connects you with the right type of care when you need it using a network of specialists, ctinics and virtual core options Wel being programa s0 help you stay healthy, including discounts at Avera select feness centers Heth Par A team dedicated to connecting vou to health care and community Get a quote for individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to resources that help you meet your well-being goals Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan People wth a co-pey heath plan wit be aageda mat fad knoan c when Pey vista cnic o urgentre cente e day of er vst These plans o fave a deduce vou mudt meet prior to sharing the coat with your heaith insurance camer Aher you meet your edc you pe the conunce peroenag eo vo maimum Outeleodet aount THE ADVANTAGE you canepect lower out olpocet coats Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE PIP SIDE you ya hgher prenun which is the set mount you eeach month for coverage hemum prices e drecty releted o the otofoodet conts you p Kyou heve lower premuma yokaly have a higher deductibie and consurance percentage BEST FOR peopte who know they wil havesigntcaheeh penses nouding presoreton dgn duing he comng vea Some decsions in ee more serious than others Some ae moe contung bu heath nce plan choces neednot be overwheting 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the oer tand, people wo hevea g educe heath pan pay outof pocet for heath have to pay that belore your insurance oovers any of your cons Tahe ie sme o consder the basios betor other deductibe amount Y deoding -krowing vour coverage can hep vou in the event of an rryore Identifying the Best Health Plan Itcan be a tremendous task to denty the best heath A Heat Savingn Account HSAsecommended ane good pertner in coerage to a hgh deductible health plan. With a HSA you can invest eree dollan and use the account to pay for cetain medical epens hat vou mould inou belore vou meet vor dduole nce plan tor vi reed. The fest ng vou needt know are the two main categories of plana coony and hgh deductibie BENEFIT vou y kewer premiums each month BEST FOR people who ore generaly heathy or dont expect to have gntcant health care epenses They can then ue money thata ved inthe lower premium and etide ounda HSA Consider These Questions Betore maing a fina noion, s pood o revie ww besic questions, Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans No mater whch plan you chocse, vou pet a lot of prevente care at no cosr o you. This noudes preverive oeenings recommended for your ge nd gende h Whet wi e den cove *What iathe amont of he dedtend coneurecet Mammograme Pe esta Whet ia the amount of te money premum Colononcopies Yearly weness va mmunavons Ohid wecheda Remember o foue the premum mal, beca igve vouabeter comeon a conng hgh Yo pet value edde ervos met help you st heter SA Dacounts at iect toe centers he vnal vatswost plene D vebeng eduction O Maath educaton tor deanic condnona These preventve benets e e wheter you gert a pien trough deductble plan Aroner good anng poet is o da be ot math and forecant the year to come. ou can entimane your ponsitie outotpodet conts by considerng cinic vats, hosptal cre or presoreton gs you mey need ou wato thnk about how much your coo cont, your deductibe and outofpocet masmum heathoane gov or directy through hvera Heam Pana Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just coverage, it's about making connections. Individual and family insurance: 247 AveraNow urgent care virtul visita at no cost for most plans We know health care ian't ene sle fes a Avera Health Plans connects you with the right type of care when you need it using a network of specialists, ctinics and virtual core options Wel being programa s0 help you stay healthy, including discounts at Avera select feness centers Heth Par A team dedicated to connecting vou to health care and community Get a quote for individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to resources that help you meet your well-being goals