Speed & Pat Auction McCloud Estate Vehicles/Lawn Mower 2014 Chevy Silverado 2014 Chevy Equinox 1953 Chevy Truck JD Z Track Riding Lawn Mower Lots of Misc Tools Sockets Winch Drills Saturday, November 12, 2022 10:00 AM 525 4th St. SW, Highmore, SD 57438 For Pictures visit www.mrauctionsllc.com Bench w/Grinder Chop Saw Pulleys Floor Jack Paints/Oils/Spray Paints Battery Charger Jumper Cables Cutting Torch Hoses Drill Press Lunch Served 20' Aluminum Multi Purpose Ladder Hyd Bottle Jacks Cords Come-a-long Shop/Garage Cutting Torch Stand Torro Weed Eater-Battery Charger B & D Weed Eater-2 batteries/charger Iron Roller Stands/Shop Bench Many Electrical Tools 5th Wheel Hitch Pot Belly Stove Misc Treated & Under Lumber Grinders Jigsaw Dewalt Cordless Tools Shop Vac Radio 2) Yards Sprayers 4 ton bottle jack Vise Air Compressor Round Saw Blades/Hand Saws Punches/Hammers JOHN DEERE zang Dresser/Vanity Set Dishes Hot Point Refrigerator Deep Freeze Many Knick Knacks Wall Hangings/Pictures B & D Electric Slicer/Shredder Sunbeam Stand Mixer Coffee Cups Measuring Cups Pots/Pans Household Tupperware Princess House Crystal 4) Rolling Chairs Grand Mother Clock Folding Wood Ironing Board Rugger 10/22 12ga Remington 870 20ga Remington 870 For more photos visit our website! Guns Floor Lamp Glider Rocker Foot Stool Electrical Reclining Chair Lewis Reuer Lic # 15381 & Katrina Reuer-605-281-1067 Sam McCloud Lic # 16466-605-769-0088 www.mrauctionsllc.com Couch Queen Bed 2) Full Beds 2) Recliners Armouir Old Cedar Chest 4) Slender Quest Exercise Machines Fire King Dishes Not Responsible For Accidents Terms: Cash or Check & R AUCTIONS- Hoven, SD Cindy McCloud- 605-948-2333 Speed & Pat Auction McCloud Estate Vehicles / Lawn Mower 2014 Chevy Silverado 2014 Chevy Equinox 1953 Chevy Truck JD Z Track Riding Lawn Mower Lots of Misc Tools Sockets Winch Drills Saturday , November 12 , 2022 10:00 AM 525 4th St. SW , Highmore , SD 57438 For Pictures visit www.mrauctionsllc.com Bench w / Grinder Chop Saw Pulleys Floor Jack Paints / Oils / Spray Paints Battery Charger Jumper Cables Cutting Torch Hoses Drill Press Lunch Served 20 ' Aluminum Multi Purpose Ladder Hyd Bottle Jacks Cords Come - a - long Shop / Garage Cutting Torch Stand Torro Weed Eater - Battery Charger B & D Weed Eater - 2 batteries / charger Iron Roller Stands / Shop Bench Many Electrical Tools 5th Wheel Hitch Pot Belly Stove Misc Treated & Under Lumber Grinders Jigsaw Dewalt Cordless Tools Shop Vac Radio 2 ) Yards Sprayers 4 ton bottle jack Vise Air Compressor Round Saw Blades / Hand Saws Punches / Hammers JOHN DEERE zang Dresser / Vanity Set Dishes Hot Point Refrigerator Deep Freeze Many Knick Knacks Wall Hangings / Pictures B & D Electric Slicer / Shredder Sunbeam Stand Mixer Coffee Cups Measuring Cups Pots / Pans Household Tupperware Princess House Crystal 4 ) Rolling Chairs Grand Mother Clock Folding Wood Ironing Board Rugger 10/22 12ga Remington 870 20ga Remington 870 For more photos visit our website ! Guns Floor Lamp Glider Rocker Foot Stool Electrical Reclining Chair Lewis Reuer Lic # 15381 & Katrina Reuer - 605-281-1067 Sam McCloud Lic # 16466-605-769-0088 www.mrauctionsllc.com Couch Queen Bed 2 ) Full Beds 2 ) Recliners Armouir Old Cedar Chest 4 ) Slender Quest Exercise Machines Fire King Dishes Not Responsible For Accidents Terms : Cash or Check & R AUCTIONS- Hoven , SD Cindy McCloud- 605-948-2333