SD STATE SPORTING CLAY CHAMPIONSHIP OPEN TO PUBLIC 4 DAYS of SHOOTING July 29,30, 31 & August 1 Thursday, Friday or Saturday (Shoot as little or as much as you want over 4 days) Preliminary & Small Bore -All Gauges (410, 28, 16, 20 and 12) 5-Stand, Side-By-Side, Pump Gun, True Pair, Super Sporting, Horrible 50, FITSAC Friday Night Feed & Entertainment by the Dirty Boot Band Sunday Main Event - 150 Targets 5 - Stand 50 Targets Fitsac 50 Targets IShooters are not required to shoot all 4 days. WILLOW CREEK WILDLIFE, INC. LODGE 605-223-3154 STEVE 605-222-3154 or BOB 605-222-0309 SD STATE SPORTING CLAY CHAMPIONSHIP OPEN TO PUBLIC 4 DAYS of SHOOTING July 29,30, 31 & August 1 Thursday, Friday or Saturday (Shoot as little or as much as you want over 4 days) Preliminary & Small Bore -All Gauges (410, 28, 16, 20 and 12) 5-Stand, Side-By-Side, Pump Gun, True Pair, Super Sporting, Horrible 50, FITSAC Friday Night Feed & Entertainment by the Dirty Boot Band Sunday Main Event - 150 Targets 5 - Stand 50 Targets Fitsac 50 Targets IShooters are not required to shoot all 4 days. WILLOW CREEK WILDLIFE, INC. LODGE 605-223-3154 STEVE 605-222-3154 or BOB 605-222-0309