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    January 21, 2020
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Koupal Angus 43ad Annnal Sal Monday, February 10, 2020 1:00 pm (CST) - at the Ranch- 3 miles south, 1/2 east of Dante, SD Selling 175 Yearlings and 30 Aged Bulls Koupal Czech 922 Koupals B8B Black Out 9123- Reg: 19720 Reg 195ao Sire:Jindra llackout - MGS: Koupals L Dante 2069 MILK +35 Sire: Koupal Czech 158 - MGS: Koupal Missing Link 86 CED EN ww YW MILK Koupals DGK PayRaise 91 Koupals B6 BDetail 9012 Reg: 19573982 Reg: 19549K 3 Sire: Keupals&8 Detail 7070-MGS: STitlest 1145 CED Sine: ICC Pas Raise 4- MGS 14Bial Aewer 114 CED +7 BW +04 69 +114 +29 YW MILK YW MILK Koupals B'8BDetail 9038 Koupal Sunrise 988 Reg: 1959868 Reg 1955031S Sire: Koupal Sanrise 15-MES: OCC Umstakabull MILK 144 +21 Si Koupais CED Drtal 20-NES KaapasTtan MILK CED -10 SW YW Al Sires LD Capitalist 316, Southem Charm, KC Pay Raise, Basin Rainmaker 4404, Koupak 8& 8 Fxlt 6072, Koupals 8& 8 Metallic 6018, SAV Regand Herd Sires Koupals 8& 8 Detail 7070, Koupak 8& BAtlas, Koupals Kozi 418, Koupal Juneau 8071, Jindra Blackout, Koupal Cedar Winds 6000, Benoit Surefire, Connealy ful Metal, Koupaks 8&BEffective 7015, Koupal Olympian, McCamber Steadfast 635, Koupal Omaha Sale wilbe broudcast live on the intenet Real time bidding & provy bidding avalable. DVAuction Koupals B&BDetail 7070 Reg: 18893744 LaVern (605) 491-1768 Bud (605) 491-2102 7070 Joe (605) 491-3202 Dan (605) 491-1331 Derek (605) 491-0244 20 sons sell! Video of bulls will beavailable in January We are known for the bulls we sell, Koupal Angus 43ad Annnal Sal Monday, February 10, 2020 1:00 pm (CST) - at the Ranch- 3 miles south, 1/2 east of Dante, SD Selling 175 Yearlings and 30 Aged Bulls Koupal Czech 922 Koupals B8B Black Out 9123- Reg: 19720 Reg 195ao Sire:Jindra llackout - MGS: Koupals L Dante 2069 MILK +35 Sire: Koupal Czech 158 - MGS: Koupal Missing Link 86 CED EN ww YW MILK Koupals DGK PayRaise 91 Koupals B6 BDetail 9012 Reg: 19573982 Reg: 19549K 3 Sire: Keupals&8 Detail 7070-MGS: STitlest 1145 CED Sine: ICC Pas Raise 4- MGS 14Bial Aewer 114 CED +7 BW +04 69 +114 +29 YW MILK YW MILK Koupals B'8BDetail 9038 Koupal Sunrise 988 Reg: 1959868 Reg 1955031S Sire: Koupal Sanrise 15-MES: OCC Umstakabull MILK 144 +21 Si Koupais CED Drtal 20-NES KaapasTtan MILK CED -10 SW YW Al Sires LD Capitalist 316, Southem Charm, KC Pay Raise, Basin Rainmaker 4404, Koupak 8& 8 Fxlt 6072, Koupals 8& 8 Metallic 6018, SAV Regand Herd Sires Koupals 8& 8 Detail 7070, Koupak 8& BAtlas, Koupals Kozi 418, Koupal Juneau 8071, Jindra Blackout, Koupal Cedar Winds 6000, Benoit Surefire, Connealy ful Metal, Koupaks 8&BEffective 7015, Koupal Olympian, McCamber Steadfast 635, Koupal Omaha Sale wilbe broudcast live on the intenet Real time bidding & provy bidding avalable. DVAuction Koupals B&BDetail 7070 Reg: 18893744 LaVern (605) 491-1768 Bud (605) 491-2102 7070 Joe (605) 491-3202 Dan (605) 491-1331 Derek (605) 491-0244 20 sons sell! Video of bulls will beavailable in January We are known for the bulls we sell,